Latest advancement in DNA stains and Protein Dyes

Recent advancements in DNA stains and protein dyes have significantly enhanced the field of molecular biology and biochemistry.


Taq DNA Polymerase with DyeDNAzure® Blue Nucleic Acid Gel Stain, 100X


One key advancement is the development of highly specific and sensitive fluorescent dyes for imaging nucleic acids and proteins. These dyes offer improved photostability, allowing for longer imaging times and higher resolution images. Additionally, new dyes have been designed to selectively bind to specific DNA sequences or protein targets, enabling researchers to study these molecules with unprecedented precision.

Another notable advancement is the development of dyes that can be used in live-cell imaging, providing real-time visualization of dynamic biological processes. These advancements in DNA stains and protein dyes are opening up new possibilities for understanding the structure and function of DNA and proteins in living cells.


DNA-labeling methods.